Xamatic X350
USA Tech 1000
With an extensive list of malls, we have site experience to accomplish any job from drawings and consultation to installation. Our commitment to quality and service has earned us a reputation in the industry second to none. With our professional staff and on-site experience, we can service every need in the sheet metal industry. Our attention to detail and the use of high quality materials is your assurance of long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing metal work.
​Mission Viejo
PCH Sheet Metal is the authorized contractor for all of the platforms, curbs, pipe flashing, heat vent flashing, wood pipe supports, multiple pipe enclosures, and all other sheet metal construction for the Mission Viejo Mall. With over 100 shops and department stores the Mission Viejo Mall is one of the city's major attractions. We have an ongoing commitment to the Mission Viejo Mall to supply and install all renovations and upgrades required by the management company.